Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Forty Nine

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

On the 20th March I set off on my own towards Guys. It was the first time I'd done the journey to the Cancer Day Unit without back-up. Even though I knew I was going for my 3 weekly herceptin, the place and whole procedure is the same as chemo. It was very hard to shake the chemo dread and I kept having to remind myself it would be different this time. I arrived for my treatment at 11am and was out by 2pm. I felt fine, slightly wobbly and in my own world but comparatively fine.

Everything has become a bit relative since having chemotherapy, I wonder how long this will last. I feel fantastic most of the time, sure - tired, snotty, sometimes with a bit of a sore tummy and or a sore throat but compared to the last six months.....

I was on my way to the Royal Albert Hall to meet my husband and a Twin and his Angelic wife for an evening of comedy in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust. I was about four hours early! As I headed towards South Kensington a cloud began to collect around my head. I made it as far as the V&A where I stopped to take stock and decide what to do. I had a green tea in the cafe and watched the rest of a film I'd started earlier on my ipad (thanks again ladies). Then, refreshed I decided to have a wonder around.

On the first floor, in the silverware department I found a small leather sofa, hidden around a corner and off the beaten track. I sat and dozed for an hour or so and then logged onto their wifi and surfed for another hour. I couldn't have gone anywhere if I'd tried, I felt like my legs were weighed down with diving weights and another one was sitting on top of my head. Eventually I mustered the energy to leave, just as they were closing.

Seeing my Husband and my friends perked me up and we settled down for some much needed laughter. The evening went very well and the comedy was funny. It provided a very welcome distraction from the way I was feeling. We didn't make it to the end, I just wasn't up to it and we had a pleasant train journey home.

The afternoon and evening acted as a strong lesson to me. Just because I feel better than I did on chemo doesn't mean I can go gallivanting about the place on the day of my treatment as if there is nothing wrong. In this case the evening with friends had been booked months before my herceptin had been scheduled and I find it very hard to 'just give in'. That said, the next day I felt fine.. Well I felt fine compared to........

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