Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Tuesday 5th November 2013


So, My blog got lost. The company I used to work for had been clearing out some old email addresses during an IT spring clean, although mine wasn't on the original list it did somehow get deleted. When it went down, the whole blog went with it. Because my email address wasn't on the list no-one had called to warn me and because I've been slightly distracted this past year I hadn't got round to moving or saving any of my blog entries.

People had been asking me where it was but I didn't realise it had totally gone until the week before last. The IT support company have been amazing and have managed to recover an awful lot of it from cached files but there are still a lot of missing entries. My wonderful God-Mother has from 1-40 printed out and is in the process of emailing me scans to re-type.

The hardest thing about the possibility of having lost the lot was that my girls had never read any of it. I had started writing to explain to their adult selves what we had all been through during this time. With this in mind I am going to resurrect as much as possible but it's going to take time. Please bear with me. The most annoying thing is that I think the only way is to start again, at the very beginning......

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