Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Monday, 24 September 2012

I've come up with solutions to two more aspects of responsibility attached to this whole bloggy business.

1) Please do not worry if I haven't posted for a few days. I'm a gobby cow and very likely to tell you if something is wrong. I would like to suggest that in my case no news is good news. It probably means I've been tied up with cooking and washing and homework and any other normal things that make up domestic bliss.

On Saturday I went for my scan. The lady who 'scanned' me has leukaemia. She was diagnosed 10 years ago and the chemo and transplant didn't cure it. She lives with it and takes a combination of drugs to stay well. She told me to take every day as it comes - this is something loads of people have said to me over the last month but from her it was an incredibly meaningful instruction. She decided to be a nurse when she was first diagnosed as she was so blown away by the nhs nurses and how wonderful they are. She wanted to help other women in her situation. She's been working at Lewisham hospital since and loves her work - talk about an inspiration!

The lump on my right ovary has not changed in a year. It still looks very much like a dermoid cyst. There is no way of completely discounting cancer unless they take it out and have a good look at it which they may well do but I expect it will wait until I have finished all my treatment. We didn't go for lunch and grabbed a sandwich in the Glades instead. I had to buy some cheap jeans (still no insurance money) as I'd got rid of all my warm clothes in anticipation of life on the beach.

2) I'd like you to all suggest a name for yourself. I'm finding it difficult coming up with names for you all. It's a sign of how lucky I am to have sooo many wonderful friends. I can't just call you friend and best friend and school friend as there's hundreds of you and you're all being so kind. So answers on a postcard please (or email / facebook / text / blog comment). Family are a bit easier, they all have names already like Mum and Dad!

This weekend on Sunday, at one point, we had 17 people and a dog in the house. I can't describe who they all were as they don't have blog names yet. But they came and brought food, books, presents, orchids and love and laughter into the house. They also brought me a Niece, a Nephew and a God-daughter to cuddle - heaven!

So now just Wednesday's appointment to get through and then plain sailing to the weekend. The hotly anticipated wedding of the Rock And Roll Princess and the Rubber Faced Dinosaur (they already have names). The wedding we weren't supposed to be able to go to but that I'm beside myself with excitement that we can....

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