Monday, 11 November 2013

Thirty Eight

Thursday, 6 December 2012

I finally settled in my room at about midnight. This hospital has no portacath connections anywhere other than the chemo unit which closes at 5pm so they had to cannulate me. A clever nurse found a viable vein in the side of my wrist and inserted it with minimal fuss. 

My room is large and private.  I have a view over the Pembury woods from a massive floor to ceiling window. I have my own bathroom and a large flat screen tv. I Showered and put on my PJs brought in by Husband. Kissed him good night, got hooked up to my drip and went to sleep.

I was woken by a doctor at 2am, they had got the results of my latest blood tests which confirmed that I am neutropenic which means I have zero immune system - the common cold or a bladder infection would be life threatening to me. I have been put on full quarantine, my door has to remain closed and has a big sign on it. Anybody who enters has to wear a plastic apron and gloves and wash themselves thoroughly first, even the doctors, nurses and tea ladies.  I May have to stay as long as five days.

I went back to sleep when he left and was woken again at 6am for another dose of antibiotics in my arm. I dozed off after that and woke again for breakfast at 9am which is a very civilised time for a bowl of bran flakes. I showered and a nurse made my bed. Somehow I've managed to kill two hours, that's what happens in hospital, you can lose whole days.

I feel quite cut off, the buzz of a busy ward is very amusing during the day and this quietness is very lonely. I'm not a tv watcher and find it difficult to tune into shows about buying and selling houses, teenage pregnancy or the lives of rich American housewives. So far Mr Maker has held my attention for the longest period.
Two doctors have just visited me. they looked at my throat and my hemorrhoids, took my temperature and asked me lots of questions. They are now going to phone my consultants at Guys to discuss what to do with me.  I may be able to go home today! They'll run a couple more blood tests to see if I have any infections in my blood and if they come back clear I could possibly go home and take oral antibiotics for 5 days. Unfortunately delaying my chemo. Therefore mucking up all and any plans I've made for the next three months as everything has to be arranged around the three week cycle and when I imagine I'll be feeling well. there is also some talk of reducing my dose of chemo which I'm not keen on. I'd rather put up with these debilitating side effects and know it's been hit as hard as possible.

Just been seen again and I can go home! hurrah!! My chemo will have to be delayed until next week but there's no getting round that. I'm still nutropenic and will have to be readmitted at any sign of unwellness or raise in temperature. But for now they're happy to take the risk. Bye then, I have to get my jeans on xx

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